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How can I help?

Positive-Ageing Consultant & Writer

About Me

I have written numerous books and have worked with people with dementia, in a hands-on capacity, for over 22 years. Furthermore, I was on the KwaZulu-Natal Board of ARDA (Alzheimer’s and Related Diseases Association) for 20 years, at one stage serving in the position of Chairperson.
Have a look at some of the books I have written over the years.


Feicity Dibben –Nursing Sister

“Thought that I would let you know that I have just read your book. I could not put it down, every situation I have experienced, it is so good knowing that I am on the right track. Thank you and I simply can’t wait for the sequel.”

Jane Todd - Editor/proof reader

“Henry, although my Mum doesn’t have Alzheimer’s, we do have some challenges of a similar nature and I want to put it out there, that your book BORN OF DESPERATION has helped me like no other. I would NEVER be coping as well as I am had I not read your book. For that, I am for every grateful.”

Dr. Kirkby – GP/Geriatrician

“This is a valuable book for all concerned ad I have enjoyed it and helped me a lot. Mirrors many of my understanding and beliefs… I think it extremely valuable for Doctors and patients alike… practitioners need to know the facts- they share your frustration and desperation… And carers and family need to know the facts and not waste money on useless solutions… Your book has a wealth of information and is/will be very helpful to many if they can access it.”

Colin Sealby

“I have just this minute finished reading your story ‘Journeys of a curious man’ and felt compelled to let you know how much I enjoyed reading about your life’s adventures. It is a good story and well written. Very well done.”

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